Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

though what they were about specifically I couldn’t tell

through the grime obscuring their faces. There was a small

bar with stools along one wall, where three tough-looking

patrons crouched hunched forward in conversation with the

bartender. They ceased talking and regarded me briefly with

cold, unfriendly stares as I surveyed the place, though

whether their hostility was because I was a stranger or be-

cause I was from off-dimension I wasn’t sure. It did occur

to me that I was still wearing my disguise spell business

suit which definitely set me apart from the dark, weather-

beaten outfits the other patrons wore almost like a uniform.

It also occurred to me that this might not be the wisest place

to have a quiet drink.

“I think we should get out of here, Skeeve.”

I don’t know when Kalvin rejoined me, but he was there

hovering at my side again. His words echoed my own

thoughts, but sheer snorkiness made me take the opposite


“Don’t be a snob, Kalvin,” I muttered. “Besides, sitting

down for a while was your idea, wasn’t it?”

Before he could answer, I strode to one of the tables and

plopped down in a seat, raising one hand to signal the

bartender. He ignored it and returned to his conversation

with the other drinkers.

“C’mon, Skeeve. Let’s catch a cab back to the hotel and

have our conversation there,” Kalvin said, joining me.

“You’re in no frame of mind to start drinking. It’ll only

make things worse.”

He made a lot of sense. Unfortunately, for the mood I

was in, he made too much sense.

“You heard the Butterfly, Kalvin. I’ve been letting too

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