Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

willing to experiment with a strange drink after everything


Robert Asprin

I’ve been saying about food on Perv. Well, truth to tell, I

was son of hoping this venture would end in disaster. You

see, by this time I had cooled off enough to acknowledge

that Kalvin was probably right about going back to the hotel,

but I had made such a big thing out of making an independent

decision that changing my mind now would be awkward.

Somewhere in that train of thought, it occurred to me that

if this new drink made me sick, I would have an unimpeach-

able reason for reversing my earlier decision. With that in

mind, I raised the glass to my lips and took a sip.

The icy burst that hit my throat was such a surprise that

I involuntarily took another swallow . . . and another. I

hadn’t realized how thirsty I was after my brisk walk until

I hit the bottom of the glass without setting it down or taking

a breath. Whatever this stuff was, it was absolutely marvel-

ous, and the vaguely bitter aftertaste only served to remind

me I wanted more.

“Bring me another of these,” I ordered the bartender,

who was still sorting through my coins. “And can you bring

it in a larger container?”

“I could bring you a pitcher,” he grumbled.

“Perfect… and pull a little extra there for your trouble.”

“Say . . . thanks.”

The bartender’s mood and opinion of me seemed to have

improved as he made his way to the bar. I congratulated

myself for remembering what Edvik had said about tipping.

“I suppose it would be pushy to try to point out that

you’re drinking on an empty stomach,” the Djin said drily.

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