Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

“Not at all,” I grinned.

For once I was ahead of him and raised my voice to call

the bartender.

“Say! Could you bring me some of that popcorn while

you’re at it?”

Most of the bar snacks that were laid out seemed to be


in mesh-covered containers to keep them from crawling or

hopping away. Amidst these horrors, however, I had spotted

a bin of popcorn when I came in, and had made special

note of it; thinking that at least some forms of junk food

appeared to be the same from dimension to dimension.

“Happy now?”

“I’d be happier if you picked something that was a little

less salty,” Kalvin grimaced, “but I suppose it’s better than


The bartender delivered my pitcher along with a basket

of popcorn, then wandered off to greet some new patrons

who had just wandered in. I tossed a handful of the popcorn

into my mouth and chewed it while I refilled my glass from

the pitcher. It was actually more spicy than salty, which

made me revise some of my earlier thoughts about the uni-

versality of junk food, but I decided not to mention this

discovery to Kalvin. He was fussing at me enough already.

“So, what do you want to talk about?” I said, forcing

myself not to immediately wash down the popcorn with a

long drink from the glass.

The Djin leaned back and cocked an eyebrow at me.

“Well, your mood seems to have improved, Imt I was

under the impression you might want to talk about the But-

terfly’s advice this afternoon.”

As soon as he spoke, my current bubble of levity popped

and my earlier depression slammed into me like a fist. With-

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