Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert


“The way I see it, if there’s going to be trouble, it will

hit when we leave. That means the trick is to leave without

their knowing it. Order another pitcher.”

That’s when I realized how much I’d already had to drink.

For a moment there, I thought the Djin had said . . .

“You want me to …”

“… Order another pitcher, but whatever you do, don’t

drink any of it.”

That made even less sense, but I followed his instructions

and gestured at the bartender who delivered another pitcher

with impressive speed.

I paid him from my pocket.

-“I don’t get it,” I said. “Why should I order a pitcher

when you say I shouldn’t …”

“Shut up and listen,” Kalvin hissed. “That was so every-

body watching you will think you’re planning to stick around

for a while. In the meantime, we move.”

That made even less sense than having some more to


“But, Kalvin . . . most of them are between us and the

door! They’ll see me …”

‘ ‘Not out the front door, stupid! You see that little hallway

in back? That leads to the restrooms. There’s also an exit

back there which probably opens into an alley. That’s the

route we’ re taking.”

“How do you know there’s an exit back there?” I said



“Because one of the things I do when I come into a new

bar is count the exits,” the Djin retorted. “It’s a habit I

suggest you develop if you’re going to keep drinking.”

‘ ‘Don’t want any more to drink,” I managed, my stomach

suddenly rebelling at the thought.

“Good boy. Easy now. Nice and casual. Head for the

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