Myth conceptions by Robert Asprin

Finally, he dropped his bow back to his side. “That oughta do it, youngster,” he grinned.

“Take a look.”

I did. There in the distance, behind the-soldiers’ lines, thin plumes of smoke were rising from the wagons. In a few moments, Claude’s supply company would be without supplies.

If we had a few moments! As we watched, the men began to advance on Aahz and Gus, their swords gleaming in the sun, “Think we’d better do something about that!” Ajax muttered, raising his bow again.

“Wait a second, Ajax!” I ordered, squinting at the distant figures.

There had been a brief consultation between Aahz and Gus, then the gargoyle stepped back and began gesturing wildly at his companion.

It took me a moment, but I finally got the message. With a smile, I closed my eyes and removed Aahz’s disguise.

Pandemonium reigned. The soldiers in the front ranks took one look at the demon opposing them and stampeded for the rear, half trampling the men behind them. As word spread through the formation, it became a rout, though I seriously doubt those in the rear knew what they were running from.

If anyone noticed the burning wagons, they didn’t slow once.

“Whooee!” Ajax exclaimed, thumping me on the back. “That did it. Look at ‘em run. You’d think those fellers never seed a Pervert before.”

“They probably haven’t,” I commented, trying to massage some feeling back into my shoulder.

“You know,” the bowman drawled, squinting at the scene below, “I got me an idea. Them fellers ran off so fast they fergot to signal to anybody. Think we should do it for em?”

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