Myth conceptions by Robert Asprin

“Steady, Master!” Aahz cautioned.

“Aahz. Ah!” I gasped.

“Do not let your anger overcome your reason,” my mentor continued hastily. “They don’t know the powers they trifle with.”

“I … I did not wish to be disturbed,” I managed at last, regaining my breath as the smoke dissipated.

The leader of the group had held his ground through the entire proceedings, though he looked a bit paler and less sure of himself than when he had been dealing with just Aahz.

“We . . . um . . . apologize for bothering you,” he began uncertainly. “But there are certain matters requiring your immediate attention . . . specifically the war we are currently engaged in.”

I eyed him carefully. He seemed to be of a different cut than Claude had been.

“I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage, sir,” I said cagily. “You seem to know me, but I don’t recall having met you before.”

“We have not met before,” the officer replied grimly. “If we had, be assured one of us would not be here currently. I know you by reputation, specifically for your recent efforts to resist the advance of our army. For myself, I am Antonio, commander of the right wing of the left flank of the Empire’s army. These are my officers.”

He indicated the soldiers behind him with a vague wave of his hand. The men responded by drawing themselves more erect and thrusting out their chins arrogantly.

I acknowledged them with a slight nod.

“Where is Claude?” I asked casually. “I was under the impression he was an officer of this sector.”

“You are correct,” Antonio smirked. “He was. He is currently being detained until he can be properly court-martialed … for incompetence!”

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