Myth conceptions by Robert Asprin

“Depending upon the questions,” he replied carefully. “I am still a soldier, and my code of conduct clearly states-“

“Tell you what,” I interrupted. “I’ll ask the questions, and you decide which ones are okay to answer. Fair enough?”

“So it would seem,” he admitted.

“Okay,” I began. “First question. Do you think the commander will actually bypass Possiltum?”

The officer avoided my eyes for a moment, then shook his head briskly.

“I should not answer that,” he said, “but I will. I do not feel the commander is even considering it as a serious possibility, nor does any officer in that tent. He is known as ‘the Brute,’ even among his most loyal and seasoned troops. May I assure you he did not acquire that nickname by surrendering or capitulating while his force was still intact.”

“Then why did he go through the motions of the meeting just now?” I queried.

“To gain time,” Claude shrugged. “As your assistants noted, he is using the delay to mass his troops. The only code he adheres to is ‘Victory at all costs.’ In this case, it seems it is costing him his honor.”

I thought about this for a moment before asking my next question.

“Claude,” I said carefully, “you’ve faced us in battle, and you know your own army. If your prediction is correct and the Brute attacks in force, in your opinion, what are our chances of victory?”

“Nil,” the officer replied quietly. “I know it may sound like enemy propaganda, but I ask you to believe my sincerity. Even with the additional forces you displayed this evening, if the Brute sets the legions in motion, they’ll roll right over you. Were I in your position, I would take advantage of the cover of night to slip away, and not fear the stigma of cowardice. You’re facing the mightiest army ever assembled. Against such a force there is no cowardice, only self-preservation.”

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