Myth conceptions by Robert Asprin

“See if this makes any sense,” Aahz said finally. “Court magicians don’t do much … magically at least. They’re primarily kept around for show, as a status symbol to demonstrate a court is advanced enough to rate a magician. It’s a rare occasion when they’re called upon to do anything. If you were a jester, they’d work your tail off, but not as a magician. Remember, most people are skittish about magik, and use it as seldom as possible.”

“If that’s the case,” I said confidently, “I’m qualified. I’ll match my ability to do nothing against any magician on Klah.”

“No argument there,” Aahz observed dryly. “But it’s not quite that easy. To hold the job takes next to no effort at all. Getting the job can be an uphill struggle.”

“Oh! “I said, mollified.

“Now to get the job, you’ll have to impress the king and probably his advisors,” Aahz continued. “You’ll have to impress them with you, not with your abilities.”

“How’s that again?” I frowned.

“Look, kid. Like I said, a court magician is window dressing, a showpiece. They’ll be looking for someone they want to have hanging around their court, someone who is impressive whether or not he ever does anything. You’ll have to exude confidence. Most important, you’ll have to look like a magician … or at least, what they think a magician looks like. If you can dress like a magician, talk like a magician, and act like a magician, maybe no one will notice you don’t have the abilities of a magician.”

“Thanks, Aahz,” I grimaced. “You’re really doing wonders towards building my confidence.”

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