Myth conceptions by Robert Asprin

There were occasional pieces of siege equipment designed to throw large rocks or spears long distances, though we never saw them in operation. The only pieces of equipment that seemed to be used with any regularity were the signal towers. Each encampment had one of these, a rickety affair of lashed together poles stretching roughly twenty feet in the air and surmounted by a small, square platform. Several times a day, one soldier in each encampment would mount one of these structures, and they would signal to each other with pennants or standards. The towers also did duty as clotheslines, and were periodically draped with drying tunics.

All in all, it looked like an incredibly boring existence. In fact, from my appraisal, the only thing duller than being a soldier of the Empire was spending days on end watching soldiers of the Empire!

I commented on this to Aahz as we lay belly-down on a grassy knoll, surveying yet another encampment.

“You’re right, kid,” he admitted absently. “Being a soldier is pretty dull work.”

“How about us?” I probed, eager to keep him talking. “What we’re doing isn’t exactly exciting, you know!”

“You want excitement?” he asked, focusing on me for the first time in days. “Tell you what. Why don’t you just stroll down there and ask the Officer of the Day for a quick rundown on how their army operates? I bet that’ll liven things up for you.”

“I’m not that bored!” I amended hastily.

“Then what say you just keep quiet and let me do this my way.” Aahz smiled and resumed his studies.

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