Myth conceptions by Robert Asprin

“A finder’s fee would be appreciated more than any thanks,” the tusker smiled, extending a palm.

“You’re right!” Aahz agreed, and turned his back on our benefactor.

The tusker hesitated for a moment, then shrugged and continued on his way. I could have told him that Perverts in general and Aahz specifically are not noted for their generosity. “We go twenty rows that way, then up thirty,” Aahz informed us.

“Yeah, we heard,” Tanda grimaced. “Why didn’t you just ask him flat out?”

“My way is quicker,” Aahz replied smugly.

“Is it?” I asked skeptically.

“Look kid,” Aahz scowled. “Do you want to lead us through this zoo?”

“Well. ..”I hesitated.

“Then shut up and let me do it, okay?”

Actually, I was more than willing to let Aahz lead the way to wherever it was we were going. For one thing, it kept him busy navigating a path through the crowd. For another, it left me with next to nothing to do except marvel at the sights of the Bazaar as I followed along in his wake.

Try as I might, though, there was just too much for one set of eyes to see.

In one booth, two Deveels argued with an elephant-headed being over a skull; at least, I think it was a skull. In another, a Deveel was putting on a demonstration for a mixed group of shoppers, summoning clouds of floating green bubbles from a tiny wooden box.

At one point, our path was all but blocked by a booth selling rings which shot bolts of lightning. Between the salesman’s demonstrations and the customers trying out their purchases, the way was virtually impassable.

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