Myth conceptions by Robert Asprin

“I beg your pardon?” Brockhurst scowled at him. The ancient figure sneered and raised his voice. “I said, ‘Did I hear you boys right?’!” he barked.

“What’s the matter? Are you deaf?”

“Urn . . . excuse me,” I interrupted hastily. “Before we can answer you, we have to know what you thought we said.”

The old man thought for a minute, then bobbed his head in a sudden nod.

“You know, yer right!” he cackled. “Pretty smart, young fella.”

He began to list, but caught himself before he fell.

“Thought I heard you tell Pinko here you were looking for a force to take on an army,” he pronounced, jerking a thumb at Brockhurst.

“The name’s Brockhurst, not Pinko!” the Imp snarled.

“All right, Bratwurst,” the old man nodded. “No need to get your dander up.”

“That’s Brockhurst!”

“You heard right,” I interrupted again, hoping the old man would go away as soon as his curiosity was satisfied.

“Good!” the man declared. “Count me in! Me and Blackie haven’t been in a good fight for a long time.”

“How long is that in centuries?” Brockhurst sneered.

“Watch your mouth, Bratwurst!” the old man warned. “We may be old, but we can still teach you a thing or two about winnin’ wars.”

“Who’s Blackie?” I asked, cutting off Brockhurst’s reply.

In reply, the old man drew himself erect . . . well, nearly erect, and patted his walking staff.

“This is Blackie!” he announced proudly. “The finest bow ever to come from Archiah, and that takes in a lot of fine bows!”

I realized with a start that the walking staff was a bow, unstrung, with its bowstring wrapped around it. It was unlike any bow I had ever seen, lumpy and uneven, but polished to a sheen that seemed to glimmer with a life all its own.

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