Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

Chapter Two:

“Success often hinges on choosing a reliable partner.”


“WHAT’S that?” Guido demanded, taking advantage of our stunned silence.

“It’s a door,” I said.

“An open door, to be specific,” Aahz supplied.

“I can see that for myself!” the bodyguard roared. “I meant what is it doing here?”

“It would look pretty silly standing alone in the middle of the street now, wouldn’t it?” Aahz shot back.

Guido purpled. As I’ve said, these two have a positive talent for getting under each other’s skins.

“Now look, all I’m askin’….”

“Guido, could you just hang on for a few minutes until we decide what to do next? Then we’ll explain, I promise.”

My mind was racing over the problem, and having Aahz and Guido going at each other did nothing for my concentration.

“I think the first thing we should do, partner,” Aahz said thoughtfully, “is to get the door closed so that we won’t be… interrupted while we work this out.”

Rather than answer, I reached out a cautious toe and pushed the door shut. Aahz quickly slipped two of the bolts in place to secure it.

That done, we leaned against the door and looked at each other in silence.

“Well? What do you think?” I asked at last.

“I’m in favor of sealing it up again and forgetting the whole thing.”

“Think it’s safe to do that?”

“Don’t know, really. Not enough information.”

We both turned slowly to level thoughtful stares at Guido.

“Say, uh, Guido, could you tell us a little more about those customers who came in this morning?”

“Nothing doin’.” Guido crossed his arms. “You’re the guys who insist on ‘information for information. Right? Well, I’m not telling you anything more until somebody tells me about that door. I mean, I’m supposed to be your bodyguard and nobody bothers to tell me there’s another way into this place?”

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