Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin


FORTUNATELY, Massha’s elevated position during our flight had given her an excellent view of our surroundings, and we were able to find our way back to the Dispatcher’s without being discovered by the aroused populace. Now that our numbers had increased, however, Vilhelm’s greeting was noticeably cooler.

“I’m starting to believe what everybody says,” the little vampire complained. “Let one demon in, and the next thing you know the neighborhood’s crawling with them. When I decided to talk to you folks instead of blowing the whistle on you, I didn’t figure on turning my office into a meeting place for off-worlders.”

“C’mon, Vilhelm,” I said, trying to edge my foot into the doorway. “We don’t have any place else to go in town. There aren’t that many of us.”

“We could always just wait out on the street until the authorities come by,” Aahz suggested. “I don’t imagine it would take much to convince them that this guy has been harboring fugitives.”

“Can it, Green and Scaly,” Massha ordered, puffing herself up to twice her normal size. “Vilhelm’s been nice to us so far, and I won’t listen to anyone threaten him, even you. Just remember that you’d still be cooling your heels in the slammer if it weren’t for him. Either he helps of his own free will, or we look elsewhere.” Aahz gave ground before her righteous indignation.

“Are you going to let your apprentice talk to me that way? ” he demanded.

“Only when she’s right.” I shrugged.

“I say, Aahz,” Chumley intervened. “Could you possibly curb your normally vile manners for a few moments? We don’t really need one more enemy in this dimension, and I, for one, would appreciate the chance to extend my thanks to this gentleman before he throws us out.”

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