Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

“Gee, thanks,” Guido said, following her instructions. “What is it?”

“It’s a counter-allergenic paste.” She shrugged. “I think it has a garlic base.”

“WHAT?” my bodyguard exclaimed, dropping the vial.

Tananda favored him with one of her impish grins. “Just kidding. Nunzio was worried about you and told us about your allergies . . . all of them.”

Her brother swatted her lightly on the rump. “Shame on you, little sister,” he said, smiling in spite of himself. “After you get done apologizing to Guido, I suggest you do the same for our host. I think you nearly gave him a heart attack with that last little joke.”

This was, of course, just what I needed while stranded in a hostile dimension. A nervous vampire, a melodramatic werewolf, and now my teammates decide it’s time to play practical jokes on each other.

“Ummm . . . tell me, Mr. A.,” I said, ignoring my other problems and turning to the werewolf. “Do you think you can . . .”

“No, non,” he interrupted. “Eet is simply Pepe, eh?”

“Pepe A.,” I repeated dutifully.

“Zat’s right,” he beamed, apparently delighted with my ability to learn a simple phrase. “Now, before we … how you say, get down to ze business, would you do me ze hon-air of introducing me to your colleagues?”

“Oh. Sorry. This is my partner, Aahz. He’s….”

“But of course! Ze famous Aahz! I have so long wished to meet you.”

If there’s anything that can coax Aahz out of a bad mood, it’s flattery . . . and Pepe seemed to be an expert in that category.

“You’ve heard of me?” he blinked. “I mean . . . what exactly have you heard? There have been so many adventures over the years.”

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