Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

Even though Luanna had claimed to have been watching for us at the Dispatcher’s, it had been so long ago I fully expected her scent would have long since dissipated or at least been masked by the passage of numerous others. As such, I was moderately surprised when the werewolf signaled almost immediately that he had found the trail and headed off with a determined air. Either her scent was stronger than I had thought, or I bad grossly underestimated Pepe’s tracking ability.

The trail wound up and down the cobblestoned streets, and we followed as quickly as we could without abandoning our pretense of being casual strollers who did not know each other. For a while, our group made up the majority of the beings visible, causing me to doubt the effectiveness of our ruse, but soon the vampires began to emerge to indulge their taste for the nightlife and we became much less obvious.

I was paired up with Chumley, but the troll was strangely quiet as we made our way along. At first I thought he was simply concentrating on keeping the werewolf in sight, but as time wore on, I found the silence somehow unnerving. I had always respected Chumley as being one of the saner, leveler heads among our motley assemblage, and I was starting to have an uneasy impression that he was not wholeheartedly behind this venture.

“Is there something bothering you, Chumley?” I asked at last.

“Hmmm? Oh. Not really, Skeeve. I was just thinking.”

“About that?”

The troll let out a small sigh.

“I was just contemplating our adversary, this Vic fellow. You know, from what’s been said, he’s quite resourceful in a devious sort of way.”

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