Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

“Keep going,” I urged.

“Well,” the troll sighed, “when you stumbled on his hiding place at the Woof Writers, he didn’t panic. He waited to hear as much of your plans as possible, all the while taking advantage of the opportunity to assess you first-hand, then timed his escape so as to catch you all flat-footed.”

I digested this distasteful addition to the rapidly growing data file. “Do you really think he was sizing me up?”

“There’s no doubt in my mind. Not only was he gauging your skills and determination, he was successful enough at second-guessing you, based on the results of his studies, to be waiting to sound the alarm when you busted Aahz out of jail . . . a particularly bold move when one realizes that he was running the risk of being recognized, which would have blown his frame-up of your partner.”

“Bold or desperate,” I said thoughtfully. “That’s probably why he waited until we had actually sprung Aahz and were on the way down before he blew the whistle. If we had gotten away unscathed, then the frame would be useless, so at that point he really wasn’t risking anything.”

“Have it your way,” the troll shrugged. “The final analysis remains that we have one tough nut to crack. One can only wonder what he will do when we catch up with him this time.”

“If he’s performing up to par, it could be rough on us.”

Chumley shot me a sidelong glance.

“Actually, I was thinking it could be rough on your lady fair . . . if he has managed to observe the feelings you have for her.”

I started to protest, then the impact of his theory hit me and my embarrassment gave way to concern.

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