Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

“I see . . . Very well. You’ve had your say. Now please leave so my partner and I can discuss our position on the matter.”

Aahz took care of seeing them out while I plunged into thought as to what we should do. When he returned, we both sat in silence for the better part of an hour before either of us spoke. “Well,” I said at last, “what do you think?”

“Banishment from the Bazaar is out!” Aahz snarled. “Not only would it destroy our reputations, I’m not about to get run out of the Bazaar and our home over something as idiotic as this!”

“Agreed,” I said grimly. “Even though it occurs to me that Hay-ner is bluffing on that option. He wants us to stick around the Bazaar as much as we want to stay. He was the one who hired us in the first place, remember? I think he’s expecting us to ante up and pay the money. That way he gets back some of the squeeze he so grudgingly parted with. Somehow the idea of giving in to that kind of pressure really galls me.” Aahz nodded.

“Me too.”

There followed several more minutes of silence.

“Okay,” Aahz said finally, “who’s going to say it?”

“We’re going to have to go after them.” I sighed.

“Half right,” Aahz corrected. “I’m going to have to go after them. Partner or not, we’re talking about hitting a totally new dimension here, and it’s too dangerous for someone at your level of magical skill.”

“My level? How about you? You don’t have any powers at all. If it’s too dangerous for me, what’s supposed to keep you safe?”

“Experience,” he said loftily. “I’m used to doing this, and you aren’t. End of argument.”

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