Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

My opinion of the busybody soared to new heights, but the game was too much fun to abandon.

“I’ve never had too much faith in magicians,” I said with studied casualness. “I’ve found for the most part their powers are overrated.”

The oldster rolled his eyes in exasperation.

“That may be true in most cases, but not when it comes to the Great Skeeve! Did you know he consorts with Demons and has a dragon for a familiar?”

I favored him with a worldly smile.

“So what? Deva is a crossroads of the dimensions. Dimension travelers, or Demons as you call them, are the norm around here. As a Deveel, your main livelihood comes from dealing with Demons. As for the dragon, there’s a booth not eight rows from here that sells dragons to anyone with the price.”

“No, no! You don’t understand! Of course we all deal with Demons when it comes to business. The difference is that this Skeeve is actually friends with them . . . invites them into his home and lives with them. One of his permanent house guests is a Pervert, and I don’t know of a single Deveel who would stoop that low. What’s more, I’ve heard it said that he has underworld connections.”

The game was growing tiresome. Any points the Deveel had made with his tribute to the Great Skeeve had been lost with interest when he started commenting on Demons.

“Well, thank you for your concern,” I said, holding out my hand for a handshake. “I promise you I’ll remember everything you’ve said. What was your name again?”

The Deveel grabbed my hand and began pumping it vigorously.

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