Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

“Yes, I’m sure. Why do you ask? Can’t a fellow take a little nap without being badgered about it?”

“It’s just that you don’t usually take naps in the middle of the reception room floor.”

That got my attention, and I forced my eyes into focus. She was right! For some reason I was sprawled out on the floor. Now what could have possessed me to….

Then it all came back! Aahz! The expedition into the new dimension!

I sat bolt upright. . . and regretted it immediately. A blinding headache assaulted me with ice pick intensity, and my stomach flipped over and landed on its back with all the grace of a lump of overcooked oatmeal.

Massha caught me by the shoulder as I started to list.

“Steady there, High Roller. Looks like your idea of ‘okay’ and mine are a little out of synch.”

Ignoring her, I felt the back of my head cautiously and discovered a large, tender lump behind my ear. If I had had any doubts as to what had happened, they were gone now.

“That bloody Pervert!” I said, flinching at the new wave of pain brought on by the sound of my own voice. “He must have knocked me out and gone in alone!”

“You mean Aahz? Dark, green, and scaly himself? I don’t get it. Why would your own partner sucker-punch you?”

“So he could go through the door without me. I made it very clear that I didn’t want to be left behind on this caper.”

“Door? What door?” Massha said with a frown. “I know you two have your secrets, Boss, but I think you’d better fill me in on a few more details as to exactly what’s going on around here.”

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