Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

“Believe me, they’re more trouble than they’re worth,” Massha said. “In nothing flat you find you’re spending all your time on the phone talking to people and not accomplishing anything. Besides, ever since they broke up the corporation….”

“I think I’ve got it!” Vilhelm announced, jumping down to floor-level again. “I’ve got one friend for you definite, but to be honest with you he’s only so-so. I’ve got call-backs coming on two others, so let’s see what they’re like before you commit on the definite. Okay?”

“Ummm … I think there’s some kind of mistake here,” I said desperately, trying to stop the madness before it progressed any further. “I’m not trying to find a new friend. I’m trying to locate a friend I already have who may be here in town.”

He blinked several times as this news sank in. He started to turn back to his phones in an involuntary motion, then waved a hand at them in disgusted dismissal.

“Heck with it,” he said with a sigh. “If they can come up with anything, I can always fob ’em off on someone else for a profit. Now then, let’s try this again. You’re looking for someone specific. Are they a townie or a transient? It would help if you gave me a little something to go on, you know.”

He seemed a little annoyed, and I would have liked to do or say something to cheer him up. Before I could think of anything, however, my apprentice decided to join the conversation.

“This is quite a layout you’ve got, Fast Worker. Mind if I ask exactly what it is you do?”

As always, Massha’s “people sense” proved to be better than mine. The little vampire brightened noticeably at the compliment, and his chest puffed out as he launched into his narration.

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