Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

That caught my attention.

“Could you elaborate on that last point, Vilhelm? What problem could the locals have with us?”

The Dispatcher laughed.

“The same one you humans have with us vampires. While humans aren’t the leading cause of death in vampires any more than vampires are a leading cause of death in humans, it’s certainly one of the more publicized and sensational ways to go.”

“Is that why the first locals we met took off like bats out of hell… if you’ll pardon the expression?” Massha asked.

“You’ve got it. I think you’ll find that the citizens of Blut will react the same way to you that you would if you ran into a vampire in your home dimension.”

“I don’t notice you bein’ particularly scared of us,” Guido said suspiciously.

“One of the few advantages of this job. After a few years of. monitoring the other dimensions, you get pretty blase about demons. As far as I can tell, most of ’em are no worse than some of the folks we’ve got around here.”

This was all very interesting, but I was getting a little fidgety about our mission.

“Since you know we aren’t all evil or on a permanent vampire hunt, what can you tell us about the mess Aahz is in? Can you give us any help there?”

“I dunno,” the Dispatcher said, rubbing his jaw thoughtfully. “Until I found out who he was, I was ready to believe he was guilty as sin. There’s an awful lot of evidence against him.”

“Such as?” I pressed.

“Well, he was caught with a stake and mallet in his hand, and there are two eyewitnesses who say they saw him kill one of our citizens and scatter his dust to the winds.”

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