Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

“Whatever,” I said. “I don’t suppose you have any idea who it is?”

“Naw. There’s only one of ’em. Unless . . .”

His voice trailed off into silence and he looked suddenly worried.

“Out with it, Guido. Unless what?”

“Well, sometimes when you’re getting really tricky about tailing someone, you put one real clumsy punk out front so’s they can be spotted while you keep your real ace-hitter hidden. I hadn’t stopped to think of that before. This turkey behind us could be a decoy, know what I mean?”

“I thought you used decoys for ducks, not turkeys,” Massha scowled.

“Well, if that’s what’s happening, then we’re sitting ducks, if it makes you feel any better.”

“Could both of you just be quiet for a few minutes and let me think?” I said, suddenly impatient with their banter.

“Well, maybe it isn’t so bad,” Guido said in a doubtful voice. “I’m pretty sure I would have spotted the back-up team if there was one.”

“Oh sure,” Massha sneered. “Coming out of a town full of vampires that can change themselves into mist whenever they want. Of course you’d spot them.”

“Hey. The Boss here can chew on me if he wants, but I don’t have to take that from you. You didn’t even spot the turkey, remember?”

“The only turkey I can see is . . .”

“Enough!” I ordered, having arrived at a decision despite their lack of cooperation. “We have to find out for sure who’s behind us and what they want. This is as good a place as any, so I suggest we all retire into the bushes and wait for our shadow to catch up with us. … No, Massha. I’ll be over here with Guido. You take the other side of the road.”

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