Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

“The other factor, which my husband has neglected to mention,” Idnew put in impishly, “is that there’s a lot of money in it.”

“There is? “I asked.

My work with Aahz had trained me to spot profit opportunities where others saw none, but this time the specific angle had eluded me.

“There . . . umm … are certain revenues to be gleaned from our campaign,” Drahcir said uneasily, shooting a dark glance at his wife. “T-shirts, bumper stickers, lead miniatures, fan club dues, greeting cards, and calendars, just to name a few. It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it. Lest my wife leave you with the wrong impression of me, however, let me point out that I’m supporting this particular cause because I really believe in it. There are lots of ways to make money.”

“… and he knows them all, don’t you dear?” Idnew said with a smile.

“Really?” I interrupted eagerly. “Would you mind running over a few? Could I take notes?”

“Before you get carried away, High Roller,” Massha warned, “remember why we came here originally.”

“Oh! Right! Thanks, Massha. For a minute there I … Right!”

It took me a few seconds to rechannel my thoughts. While Aahz’s training has gotten me out of a lot of tight spots and generally improved my standard of living, there are some unfortunate side effects.

Once I got my mind back on the right track, I quickly filled the werewolves in on our current problem. I kept the details sketchy, both because I was getting tired of going back and forth over the same beginning, and to keep from having to elaborate on Luanna’s part in causing our dilemma. Still, the Woof Writers seemed quite enthralled by the tale, and listened attentively until I was done.

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