Myth-ion Improbable by Robert Lynn Asprin

“And in pain, it seems,” Tanda shouted.

“Please whisper,” I said, but my throat was so dry the words didn’t really come out.

I wanted to die. Why hadn’t they just killed me as I slept? Or maybe they had tried, which was why I hurt so much.

I also wanted to be sick, but that wasn’t possible since there wasn’t anything left in my stomach. But my stomach still felt like it wanted to twist inside out and come up through my throat. And the world spinning didn’t help that feeling at all.

And, most of all, I really wanted to forget all the nightmares I’d had about cows turning into vampires, and the people of a dimension being nothing more than food stock. What an awful nightmare. That was the last time I had carrot juice if it caused those kind of visions.

Tanda came over and knelt beside me. I could feel her hand on my forehead, then a soft energy flowing through me, washing the pain and nausea with it. Whatever she did, it was nice.

After a moment she moved away and I opened my eyes. My head didn’t hurt as much, and the world that felt as if it was smashing down on me from all sides had retreated.

I also realized that what I had thought were carrot-juice-induced nightmares had actually happened. “That help?” Tanda asked.

I nodded, wishing I hadn’t almost at once. She had taken away the pain, but the rest of the problems-upset stomach and spinning world-were still with me.

She brought me a glass of water, helping me sit up to drink it.

“Well, hangovers are sure fun, aren’t they, apprentice?” Aahz asked.

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