Myth-ion Improbable by Robert Lynn Asprin

“Wait,” Tanda said as I started to get down on my knees to look for an opening in the wall under the bunk beside Glenda’s, where the map indicated it would be. “We need to protect ourselves, not let anyone know what we’re doing.”

“And how do you suggest we do that?” I asked.

Aahz glanced around at the bunks and the blankets on them.

“Skeeve, when Tanda gives the word, I want you to make the blankets on those three bunks look like the three of us.”

“Four of us,” Glenda said, opening her eyes and looking clearly at Aahz. “If you’ve found a way to leave, I’m leaving with you.”

“Yeah,” Aahz said, laughing, “like you took us with you on Vortex #6? I don’t think so.”

“I don’t go, I alert the guards,” she said, staring at him. “And I’ve got enough power left to easily break an apprentice’s disguise spell.”

For a moment I thought Aahz was going to strangle her, and I wanted to help. Then Tanda stepped between them, facing Aahz.

“She’s powerful and can help. Let her, or we might never get out of here.”

My mentor looked like he was about to explode. He hated doing anything he didn’t want to do, and taking Glenda along was something he really didn’t want to do. But Tanda was right; maybe Glenda could help.

“All right,” Aahz said, taking a deep breath and letting it slowly out.

He stepped past Tanda and looked down at Glenda.

“You work with us or we dump you faster than you dumped my apprentice in that bar. Understand?”

She nodded, clearly very weak. “Let me help Tanda with the cover spell,” she said. “I’m good at them.”

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