Myth-ion Improbable by Robert Lynn Asprin

I stared at him as he moved to her and untied the knot in the golden rope, then pulled it free, wrapping it in his hand.

After what Glenda had done to us, I figured it would have served her right to become a cow for most of every month for the rest of her life. She was already a self-centered bloodsucker; why shouldn’t she have the entire cow package?

After Aahz pulled the rope off of her, she awoke, groaned and somehow managed to sit up, her face pale and her eyes glazed. “What happened?”

“You slept through the night just fine,” Aahz said.

“Snoring like a horse,” Tanda said.

I wanted to ask her how she knew horses snored, but figured this wasn’t the time to push too much into her personal life.

Glenda’s hand went to her neck, where there was now no sign of the vampire bites. I could tell that she was surprised when she touched her neck and it didn’t hurt. Surprised and confused. Then she noticed the gold laced rope Aahz was holding. For a moment she looked into his eyes. Then she asked, “Was I going to turn?”

“You were,” Harold said. “It was why Ubald and his vampire friends let you live.”

“And the rope is what I think it is?” Glenda asked, not taking her eyes from Aahz.

Aahz held it up. “Just to be safe, you’re going to wear it tonight as well. I promised my apprentice there for his peace of mind.”

She stared at the rope for a moment, then nodded. “I suppose I should thank you.”

“Just help us all get out of here and we can call it even,” Aahz said.

“I’ll do what I can,” she said, “but first, can I have a glass of water?”

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