Myth-ion Improbable by Robert Lynn Asprin

“So if we shut off the power to the big spell somehow,” Harold said, “all the vampires on one half of the planet would die.”

“Exactly,” Aahz said, “And the ones on the night side would have to find shelter by sunrise, giving your people time to kill many of them.”

“Aahz, I just have one question.”

He looked at me and said nothing.

“How do you propose to shut off the energy flowing in this area?”

Aahz smiled. “That’s our problem, isn’t it?”

“Why do I think I’m not going to like what you’re thinking at this moment?”

“Oh, maybe because I’m thinking that’s where you’re going to come in.”

Tanda laughed.

“It’s not funny,” I said.

“Sure it is,” Tanda said.

I just stared at Aahz. Someday I’d love to figure out a way to get him his powers back so I wasn’t the one doing the dirty work all the time. I had a hunch, from the look on his face, that this was going to get really dirty for me. Center-of-the-mountain-kill-the-energy-at-its-source dirty.

“Before we can figure out how to block the energy for the spells,” Aahz said, “we have to know how it flows through the castle.”

He said that and I just shuddered.

I could feel how much of the energy flowed in this place any time I opened my mind to it. It came from down in the mountain, flowing up and out. Usually energy for magik was in lines flowing through the sky that I had to reach up and tap to work a disguise spell, or a flying spell. Or, if there was no air energy, I went for ground energy flowing deep under the surface and rocks. Air energy was easier to get, and Aahz had taught me to always go for it first.

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