Myth-ion Improbable by Robert Lynn Asprin

“I still don’t like this idea,” Aahz said, turning to stare at the tent, which was clearly why we were on Deva.

Tanda shrugged. “Neither do I, but we don’t have much of a choice, do we? You know anyone who might know what or where a vortex is?”

Aahz shook his head, obviously trying to think of someone.

“I just don’t like the price we’re going to pay.”

“It doesn’t have to be that bad,” she said.

Aahz said nothing.

I finished one more last check for scales and glanced at the tent we were standing in front of. There was no sign, no indication that anyone was even in it. The crowd in the street seemed to give it a wide berth as well.

“I just wish I knew what we were walking into,” I said. “A little hint would be nice.”

“You’re staying out here,” Aahz said.

I glanced around at the flowing crowds of white-and red-scaled acid demons and shook my head. “Not a chance.”

“We need to stick together,” Tanda said, taking my side. “We may have to move quickly.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” I said.

Aahz made his disgusted noise, then looked me right in the eyes.

“Not a word comes from your mouth in there. Understand?”

“Sure,” I said, making a motion across my mouth that I had sealed it.

“Here,” Tanda said, smiling at me. “Let me help you with that.”

She put her wonderful hand against my mouth. The smell of her skin was that of distant flowers; her touch was soft. She ran her hand along my mouth as I had done, then patted my shoulder.

“That was-“

My mouth wouldn’t open!

I tried again.

The words sort of jumbled inside and the only noise that reached my ears was “Thrrrgggg wgggggeeee.”

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