Myth-ion Improbable by Robert Lynn Asprin

Glenda shrugged. “I have no idea. No one has ever got­ten this far with this map before. It would have never oc­curred to me that the map led to Kowtow.”

Aahz wasn’t adding anything, so I figured it was safe to say what I was thinking.

“Wouldn’t a cow that gave golden milk live in a golden palace?”

Again they just all three stared at me.

“More than likely,” Tanda said, nodding slowly.

Silence again filled the small cabin. At that point I figured it was better to just eat more bread and leave the thinking up to them.

After an hour of planning and talking, at Aahz’s suggestion, Glenda dimension-hopped us to Kowtow, to a location iso­lated enough that we wouldn’t be seen by anyone. He figured that way we would have time for me to get us in disguises so that we looked like the local residents.

Before we hopped, Aahz made real sure that either Glenda or Tanda could hop back to this cabin. And he had Glenda help him set his D-Hopper so he could as well. It seemed I was the only one who didn’t have an emergency getaway. I planned on making sure I was always close to one of them. Preferably Glenda.

After the hop, we ended up standing near a large rock cliff face. The air was warm and dry, and the sun was high over­head at the moment.

The area around us looked like desert, but the ground sloped away from us down to a lush, green valley. A road came over the hill beside the cliff, wound past where we were, and down the hill to what looked to be a small town built out of wood. From what I could tell there was no building over two stories tall. The buildings seemed to be centered around the main street.

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