Myth-ion Improbable by Robert Lynn Asprin

I assumed bunk meant sleep, so I said, “No, haven’t given it much thought.”

He looked shocked. It was as if I’d told him I’d killed his mother. His mouth opened, then closed, then opened again, but no words came out.

One of the main buildings right in the center of town had a sign on it that said Hotel Evade, so I tried to cover.

“Just figuring on stopping in the hotel. Sure hope they got rooms, now that you mention it.”

He looked relieved. “I’m sure they do,” he said. “That’s the law.”

He laughed and I laughed with him, even though I had no idea what he was talking about.

“Thanks for the drink,” I said, sliding the glass across the table to him and standing. “I guess it is getting dark enough for me to get going.” The promise of me leaving had him back to his old happy self.

“I’m sure your friend will get inside all right,” he said, “Maybe she’s already at the hotel. When you see her tomorrow, bring her by here for breakfast.”

“It’ll be my pleasure,” I said. “And your surprise.” He laughed. I laughed.

Then I stepped out onto the sidewalk. He slammed and latched the door behind me, bolting it as if a thousand thugs were going to try to break it down. Then the shutters on the inside of the window closed.

The shadows were long on the street and there wasn’t a person in sight anywhere. Every window was shuttered, every door closed. The sound of music that had come from a few different establishments was now replaced by the silence of the coming darkness. My stomach started to clamp up, not from the little bit of carrot juice, but from worry. Something very major happened at night on this dimension. I didn’t know what it might be, but it was something that made this town bolt its doors and get off the street before the sun went down. And if I was smart, I would do the same thing.

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