Myth-ion Improbable by Robert Lynn Asprin

As normal, Aahz was right.

“So what happened here?” I asked, trying to not admit I had been wrong, even though we all knew I had been.

“We headed up to the rocks and left the D-Hopper and the map,” Tanda said, “then I jumped us here.”

“And right into Glenda’s waiting arms,” Aahz said. “Just as she had been planning.”

“She used a dimension-blocking spell on me,” Tanda said. “She searched us for the D-Hopper, wished us both luck when she couldn’t find it or the map, and hopped out.”

“I assume she’s going after the treasure,” Aahz said. “And now she’s got a full day’s start on us.” So what I had been feeling from Aahz was anger, both at me and at the fact that we might lose the treasure, after getting so close.

“So what’s a dimension block?”

“A spell that keeps another person from jumping out of a dimension,” Aahz said. “Some cultures use it to imprison people. It’s a pretty basic spell.”

“That you haven’t taught me yet,” I said.

He shrugged. “There’s a lot I haven’t taught you. And after falling so easily for this Glenda’s charms and smooth talk, I’m not sure if I ever will.”

Tanda patted Aahz’s green hand across the table.

“Easy on your apprentice. He’s young and full of hormones. He did get back here, didn’t he?”

I wanted to ask what a hormone was, but figured I’d get that information from Tanda later, when Aahz wasn’t around to make fun of my stupidity. He was disgusted enough with me as it was. And this time around I agreed with him. I shouldn’t have been so easily taken with Glenda. She’d given me a couple of compliments and I’d been putty in her hands.

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