Myth-ion Improbable by Robert Lynn Asprin

“Glenda has the wrong location.”

“Exactly,” I said. “The map changes every time we get closer, just as it did with dimensions. I’m betting it will do that on Kowtow as well.”

Aahz put the folded map back in his belt pouch and stood, suddenly in a hurry.

“Great thinking, Skeeve,” he said. “Let’s get back to Kow­tow. Glenda is going to come looking for us to get the map when she discovers she has wrong information. And when she does, I want to be ready for her this time.”

I liked that idea a lot.

Chapter Eight

“Flying. It’s the only way to travel!”


We arrived back at the cliff face on Kowtow with less than two hours of daylight left. The day was still hot and dry, and nothing had changed in the general area since I had left a few hours before. I quickly disguised all three of us again in the standard wear of the people of this dimension.

We had packed some food and containers of water. Aahz didn’t much like the idea of eating vegetables. Pervects were mostly meat-eaters. Aahz checked over the D-Hopper and then reset the dimension and hid it in his shirt.

“Ahh, that feels good,” Tanda said, stretching toward the sun, her white hat tipped back, her large belt buckle glistening in the sun.

“The heat?” I asked.

“Nope. The dimension block being lifted. Amazing how much you miss the ability to hop after you’ve had it and then it’s taken away.”

“Yeah, I know,” Aahz said.

“Oh, sorry, big guy,” she said.

“Gotten used to it,” he said.

I couldn’t even imagine how Aahz felt, once being a pow­erful magician and then having his powers taken away from him because of a practical joke by my previous mentor. My mentor had been killed before he could lift the joke. Now Aahz just had to wait for the joke to wear off and his powers to come back, which he said would take more time than I wanted to think about.

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