Myth-ion Improbable by Robert Lynn Asprin

Aahz unfolded the magik map and laid it on the top of a rock so we could all study it.

The town of Evade was clearly marked as our starting point, with a road leading from it to a town called Baker. In Baker two roads split off to two other towns, then two roads left each of those towns. Eventually a few of the roads led to Dodge, where it was marked that the treasure was.

Where Glenda was heading.

But was the golden-milk-giving cow there? I was betting it wasn’t. I was betting the map would change when we reached Baker. And then keep on changing with every city after that until we finally found the right city.

Glenda was going to be angry, and it served her right. I didn’t want to see what Aahz would do to her the next time he saw her. Pervects are not to be messed with, and she had left him to die on a frozen planet. What he would do to her wasn’t going to be pretty.

“So we’re back needing horses,” Aahz said, tracing along the distances between the towns. Then he looked at me. “Unless you think your flying spell is good enough here to work for us.”

Flying wasn’t the strongest of my magik, but it was one of the things Aahz had trained me to do first. It had saved us from a hanging and a few other tight spots in our last few adventures. But I wasn’t sure if I could lift all three of us and carry us any distance.

“I can try,” I said, wishing I hadn’t said those words the moment I heard them come out of my mouth.

“Concentrate,” Aahz said, going into teacher mode. “Search for your lines of power and use them, pull them in, let them flow through you.”

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