Myth-ion Improbable by Robert Lynn Asprin

As I looked around I realized this place was almost identi­cal to Audry’s in Evade, with the bar down the left side and wooden tables and chairs.

“What can I get for ya, folks?” A man asked as he came out from the back room.

He was just like the guy in Evade, right down to the white apron and the dirty towel.

“Could we trouble you for just one glass of your best juice?” I asked.

“Not a problem at all,” he said, smiling. “You want some breakfast, I just got a fresh load in this very morning. Good and crisp.”

“Sounds great,” I said, “maybe later. But I think first we just want to sit a spell.”

The guy came back with the carrot juice drink and slid it onto the table with a smile before he headed back into the kitchen area.

“You’ve picked up the lingo pretty well,” Tanda said. “A night alone in a place do that for you?”

“I suppose,” I said, taking a sip of the juice. “Isn’t it creepy how all these people seem the same from town to town?”

“I was noticing that as well,” Tanda said. “The guy shoveling dung looks just like every other guy I’ve seen shoveling dung.”

Aahz laughed and I just stared at her, too tired to even try to figure out what she had just said.

“I wonder why there’s no milk,” Aahz said, staring at the carrot juice with a look of disgust on his face.

“I don’t think you want to ask, even if they had any,” I said. “I was in a kitchen of one of these places, and there was nothing there but veggies, and not a clean surface in the room.”

“Ughh,” Tanda said. “More than likely you could get us arrested for even thinking of drinking milk in a dimension full of cows.”

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