Myth-Nomers & Im-Pervections by Robert Asprin

The more I thought about it, the more I began to see pieces of myself reflected in the Pervish behavior. Kalvin had commented on my actively trying to be strong . . . of being cold and ruthless in an effort to hide my own feared weaknesses. Was it all that different with the blustering Pervects who would rather shout than admit they might be wrong? Were my own feelings of insecurity and inadequacy making me insensitive and closed to the very people who could help me?

The thought was enough to inspire me to voice my frustrations to Edvick and ask if he had any thoughts as to alternate methods of searching the magikal community.

“I was just thinking about that, Skeeve,” he said over his shoulder,’ “but I didn’t figure it was my place to say anything unless you asked.”

“Well, I’m asking. After all, there’s no shame in admitting you know this dimension better than I do.” That last was said as much to myself as to Edvick, but the cabbie accepted it in stride.

“Too true. Well, what I was thinking was that instead of working to get magicians to talk about potential competitors, maybe you should try checking the schools.”

“The schools?”

“Sure. You know, the places that teach these spell slingers their trade. They should have some kind of records showing who’s learned what. What’s more, they should be willing to share them since you’re not a competitor.”

That made sense, but it seemed almost too easy. “Even if that’s true, do you think they would bother to keep current addresses on their old students?”

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