Myth-Nomers & Im-Pervections by Robert Asprin

Speaking of learning, I had always been self-conscious about what I didn’t know, yet I planned to keep on learning my whole life. I always figured that if I ever stopped learning, it would either mean that I had closed my mind, or that I was dead. Putting those two thoughts together, it occurred to me that in being ashamed of what I didn’t know, I was effectively apologizing for being alive! Of course there were things I didn’t know! So what? That didn’t make me an outsider or a freak, it gave me something in common with everyone else who was alive. Instead of wasting my energy bemoaning what I didn’t know, I should be using what I did know to expand my own horizons. The phrase “Today is the first day of the rest of your life” was almost a cliche across the dimensions. It occurred to me that a better phrasing would be “Your whole life to date has been training for right now!” The question wasn’t what I had or didn’t have so much as what I was going to do with it!

I was still examining this concept when we pulled up to the curb in front of the hotel.

“Here we are, Skeeve,” Edvick said, swiveling around in his seat. “Are you sure you aren’t going to need me anymore?”

“There’s no point,” I sighed, passing him his check. “I’ve run out of ideas and time. I’d like to thank you for your help, though. You’ve been much more than a driver and guide to me during my stay here. I’ve added a little extra onto the check as a bit more tangible expression of my gratitude.”

Actually I had added a lot more onto it. The cabbie glanced at the figure and beamed happily.

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