Myth-Nomers & Im-Pervections by Robert Asprin

“From Klah, we have conflicting reports. One source says that you were instrumental in keeping the Mob from moving in on Possiltum. Another has you down as being a sub-chieftan in the Mob itself!”

He grabbed another handful.

“That’s particularly interesting, seeing as how Deva reports that you stopped the Mob from moving into that dimension. What’s more, you’re being paid a fat retainer to maintain the defenses against the Mob, even though it seems that much of that retainer is going toward paying off your staff . . . which includes two bodyguards from the Mob and the niece of the current head of the Mob! All of which, of course, has nothing to do with the fact that you own and operate a combination hotel and casino and are known to associate with gamblers and assassins. Just what kind of game are you playing, MISTER Skeeve? I’m dying to hear just how you define ‘different!’ “

I considered trying my best to explain the rather tangled set of relationships and circumstances that define my life just now. Then I considered saving my breath.

“First, let me cheek something here. Captain. Does your jurisdiction extend to other dimensions? To put it another way, is it any of your business what I do or don’t do away from Perv, or did you just pull me in here to satisfy your curiosity?”

Pursing his lips, the Pervect set the papers he was holding back on the table and squared them very carefully. “Oh, I’m very’ curious about you. Mister Skeeve,” he said softly, “But that’s not the reason I sent for you.”

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