Myth-Nomers & Im-Pervections by Robert Asprin

The difficulties started when I was ready to make my purchase. Up to this point, I had been pleasantly surprised that the sales help had left me alone. On Deva, I would have been approached by the proprietor or one of his assistants as soon as I set foot in the display area, and it was kind of nice for a change to browse leisurely without being pressured or having whatever overstock was on sale that day touted to the heavens. Once I had made my selection, however, I found that getting the attention of one of the salesmen was astoundingly difficult.

Standing by the display which featured the bag I wanted, I looked toward the cash register where two salesmen were engrossed in conversation. On Deva, this would have been all that was necessary to have the proprietor swoop down on me, assuming he had given me any room to start with. Here, they didn’t seem to notice. Slightly puzzled, I waited a few moments, then cleared my throat noisily. It didn’t even earn me a glance.

“Are you coming down with something, Skeeve?” Kalvin said anxiously. “Anything contagious, I mean?”

“No, I’m just trying to signal for one of the salesmen.”


The Djin floated a few feet higher to peer toward the cash register.

“It doesn’t seem to be working.”

“I can see that, Kalvin. The question is, what will?” We waited a few more moments and watched the salesmen in their discussion.

“Maybe you should go over there,” the Djin suggested at last.

It seemed strange to pursue a salesman to get him to take my money, but lacking a better idea I wandered over to the sales counter.

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