Myth-Nomers & Im-Pervections by Robert Asprin

“That’s the way I read it.”

“I mean, that’s not exactly cheap. I’ve seen clerks treat 10-copper items with more concern and respect than these guys are showing. Don’t they care?”

“Not so’s you’d notice,” the Djin agreed.

“Do you think they’ d notice if I tried to just tuck it under my arm and walk out without paying? It would be nice to know something can get to these guys.”

The Djin glanced around nervously.

“I really don’t know, but I don’t think you should try.”

That cooled me down a bit. I was still in strange territory on a mission, and it was no time to start testing security systems.

“Okay,” I growled. “Let’s try this again.” This time, when I approached the sales counter, I figured I had learned my lesson. No more Mr. Nice Guy. No more waiting around for them to end their discussion. “I’d like to buy that green magik bag, the small canvas one,” I said, bursting into their conversation in mid-sentence.

“All right.”

The salesman I had first spoken with was halfway to the display before I realized what he was doing. Now that I had his attention, my normal shopping instincts cut in. “Excuse me. I’d like a new case rather than the floor display. . . and is there any chance you have it in black?” The salesman gave me a long martyred look.

“Just a moment, I’ll have to check.”

He went slouching off while his partner began wandering aimlessly through the section straightening displays.

“If you don’t mind my saying so, Skeeve, I think you’re pushing your luck,” Kalvin observed.

“Hey, it’s worth asking,” I shrugged. “Besides, however inconsiderate the help is, this is still a store. There’s got to be some interest in giving the customer what he wants.” Fifteen minutes later, the salesman still hadn’t reappeared and I found my temper was starting to simmer again.

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