Myth-Nomers & Im-Pervections by Robert Asprin

Good taste and a queasy stomach at the memory prevent me from going into detail on how the next half hour went. Suffice it to say that Kalvin abandoned me and hovered near the ceiling to watch and wait until I was done. Now I’ve knocked around a bit, and been knocked around more times than I care to recall, but if there’s any memory that compares to holding my own against a mob of Pervish shoppers, my mind has successfully suppressed it. I elbowed and shoved, used more than a little magik when no one was looking and called on most of the dirty tricks I learned in the Big Game, and in the end I had two outfits I wasn’t wild about but was willing to settle for rather than enter the fracas anew in search of something better. I also had a lingering fondness for the fat Pervish lady I hid behind from time to time to catch my breath.

Having sat out the battle, Kalvin was in good shape to guide me back to the exit. That was fortunate, since the adrenalin drop after emerging from the brawl was such that I could barely see straight, let alone walk steadily. I don’t know where Edvik was waiting, but his cab materialized out of the traffic as soon as we emerged from the store and in no time we were back in the safety of the back seat. It wasn’t until later that I realized what a commentary it was on department stores that the cab now seemed safe to me.

“Can we go to the hotel now?” I said, sinking back in the seat and shutting my eyes.

“Like that? Don’t you want to change first?”

“Change?” Somehow I didn’t like the sound of that.

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