Myth-Nomers & Im-Pervections by Robert Asprin

With that, he turned on his heel ,and marched out of the restaurant.

“That was close,” Kalvin whistled. “You shouldn’t have mouthed off that last time.”

I had arrived at much the same conclusion, but nodded my agreement anyway.

The waiter was still hovering about, so I signaled him for our check. The last thing I needed to do now would be to forget and try to walk out without paying. “So where do we go from here?” the Djin asked. “I think we’ll settle up here and head back to the hotel for some sleep. Two run-ins with the police in one day is about all the excitement I can handle.”

“But you haven’t eaten anything.”

“I’ll do it tomorrow. Like I said, I don’t relish the thought of risking another brush with the law. . . even accidentally.” Despite his advice to go easy with the police, the Djin seemed unconcerned.

“Don’t worry. So far it’s been just talk. I mean, what can they do to you? There’s no law against being polite on the sidewalk or fainting in a restaurant.”

“They could run that check on me. I’m not wild about having the police poking around in my affairs.” The Djin gave me a funny look.

“So what if they do? I mean, it’s annoying, but nothing to worry about. It’s not like you have a criminal record or have connections with organized crime or anything.”

I thought about Don Bruce and the Mob. Suddenly, my work with them didn’t seem as harmless as it had when I first agreed to take the position as the Mob’s representative on Deva. Fortunately, no one on Deva except my own crew was aware of it, and they weren’t likely to talk. Still, with the way my luck had been running lately, there was no point in risking a police check. Also, I could see no point in worrying Kalvin by letting him know what kind of a powder keg I might be sitting on.

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