Myth-Nomers & Im-Pervections by Robert Asprin

“On the other hand, if you don’t need your friends, what good are they? Friends take up a big hunk of your time and cause a lot of heartache, so if you don’t really need them, why should you bother? In a sense, if they need you, then you’re encouraging them into being parasites instead of developing strength on their own. I don’t know. What do you think, Kalvin?”

I gestured at him with my glass, and realized it was full again. So much for my resolve. I also realized the pitcher was almost empty.

“That’s a rough one, Skeeve,” the Djin was saying, and I tried to focus on his words. “I think everybody has to reach their own answer, though it’s a rare person who even thinks to ask the question. I will say it’s an over-simplification to try to equate caring about someone with weakness, just as I think it’s wrong to assume that if we can learn from our friends, they’re actually controlling our thinking.” He stopped and stared at my hand. I followed his gaze and realized I was trying to fill my empty glass from an empty pitcher.

“I also think,” he sighed, “that we should definitely head back to the hotel now. Have you paid the tab? Are we square here?”

“Thass another thing,” I said, fighting to get the words out past my tongue, which suddenly seemed to have a mind of its own. “What he said about money. I haven’t been using my money right.”

“For cryin’ out loud, Skeeve! Lower your voice!”

“No, really! I’ve got all thissh money . . .” I fumbled my moneybelt out and emptied the gold onto the table.

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