Nancy Drew #31. The Ringmaster’s Secret. Carolyn Keene

“This is what I’d like you to do. First, follow Mr. Kroon until he goes to his trailer. Then call on him.”

“But what excuse could I use?” Dan Webster asked.

“Oh, that’s easy,” Nancy said quickly. “Tell him that Rosa will not be able to perform by the end of the week. Ask him what he thinks about the new girl continuing for a while longer.”

“But how is this going to find your bracelet?” the horse trainer questioned, puzzled.

“Dan,” Nancy went on, “tell him that you’ve heard rumors of things disappearing from the circus. Watch Mr. Kroon’s face intently to see if there’s any change of expression or if the ringmaster’s eyes dart to some possible hiding place. Then tell him you’ve heard that one of the girls in the circus is going to ask for a police search unless something valuable which was stolen from her turns up.”

As Nancy gave her instructions, Dan Webster sat gazing at the floor. He shook his head several times but did not speak. Finally he looked up.

“Miss Drew,” he said, “I want to help you as much as I can. But this is a big order. I’m afraid I’d fail. You’d better count me out and get somebody else.”

Nancy laughed softly. “Oh, it isn’t that bad. Dan,” she told him. “I’ll tell you what. Suppose I stand outside the window and watch Kroon’s actions. You act as innocent as you can but try to follow the lines of conversation I suggested.”

At last, Dan Webster said he would try and the time was set for eleven thirty. Nancy thanked him and hurried off to change her clothes. When Erika saw her starting out again, she asked where Nancy was going.

“To do some sleuthing. But don’t be worried. I’m not going to leave the circus grounds.”

Nancy hurried from the tent. Using a circuitous route to avoid as many people as possible, she went to Mr. Kroon’s trailer. She could hear voices inside distinctly.

No one was in sight and Nancy cautiously made her way to the side window and stood on a box. Through the window she could get a good view of the interior, but still remain out of the line of Vision of those within.

Dan Webster was there, talking with Lolita’s foster parents. Evidently the early part of the previously planned conversation had already taken place, because Kroon was just saying:

“The new girl’s all right, but I’ll let you know tomorrow about her staying with us after this week. There are certain things about her I don’t like.”

“What are they?” Dan asked quickly.

“Nothing that you could do anything about, Webster,” the ringmaster replied. “They’re personal reasons.”

Dan arose, but before leaving he said, “By the way, Mr. Kroon, I’ve heard rumors about things disappearing from the circus.”

Kroon gave a slight twitch and Nancy saw his eyes travel involuntarily to a bureau in the trailer. To Dan he said:

“I haven’t heard anything about it. You shouldn’t believe everything you hear.”

“Probably not,” Dan Webster gave a slightly forced laugh. “I guess rumors fly around thick and fast in the circus.”

He left the trailer and started for his own quarters. Dan had failed to carry out the last part of Nancy’s instructions but it did not matter. She had found out what she wanted to know.

The bureau was probably the hiding place!

Nancy continued to eavesdrop outside the trailer, but neither Mr. nor Mrs. Kroon mentioned the bracelet or Dan’s visit.

Presently Mrs. Kroon transferred to Lolita’s trailer, where she lived, apparently to watch her foster daughter’s movements.

A few minutes later the window shades on both trailers were drawn and soon afterward the lights were turned off. Nancy made her way back to her tent, convinced that her bracelet was in the bureau in Kroon’s trailer. She only hoped that the ringmaster would not remove it before she had a chance to carry out the next part of her plan.

Early the following morning she went to find Lolita. She was forced to wait for several minutes while the aerialist and her foster parents finished breakfast in Mr. Kroon’s trailer. Finally the ringmaster left and Lolita started back to her own quarters.

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn