Nancy Drew Files #74. Greek Odyssey. Carolyn Keene

“Have a seat,” Nancy said, putting the towel beside her.

“Thanks.” Mick peeled off his polo shirt and sprawled in the sand. “Ah . . . this is the life. Hot sun, cool sea, beautiful girl.” He gave Nancy’s hand a squeeze. “Can’t think of any way I’d rather spend a Monday afternoon.”

“Well, don’t get too cozy,” Nancy teased, pulling a book entitled Let’s See Europe out of her tote bag. “From reading our guidebook, I think the islands will keep us pretty busy.”

Mick propped himself up on one elbow to read over her shoulder. “I see what you mean. There’s snorkeling, windsurfing, dancing, island-hopping . . .”

“Sounds great!” George put in.

Bess cracked open an eye to look at her friends. “Don’t forget, there are shops and marketplaces to scope out, too. I’m dying to check out those quaint little places I saw near the harbor in Chora when our ferry came in.”

“I thought you’d given up shopping,” Nancy teased, referring to their experience in Rome. In a small shop Bess had inadvertently exchanged her fake Etruscan necklace for a real one, which the girls later learned had been stolen. As a result, their relaxing vacation had turned into a suspenseful search for a jewel thief.

“Oh, that was another time, another country,” Bess said airily.

Nancy laughed. “Maybe we can squeeze in some shopping this afternoon,” she said, shielding her eyes from the sun. “I don’t want to stay out here too long, or I’ll be as crisp as a french fry.”

Just then a pretty dark-haired girl appeared on the footpath. “Who’s ready for lemonade?” Zoe Kavalis asked, holding up a plastic thermos. In her other hand she carried a straw bag with glasses in it.

“Just in the nick of time,” George said, jumping up to help Zoe pour. “That swim definitely made me thirsty.”

Zoe handed Nancy a glass of lemonade, then paused to push a spray of tiny curls out of her eyes. A tall, fine-boned girl with smooth olive skin and brown eyes, Zoe wore her wavy, dark hair coiled at the nape of her neck.

“I thought I would never make it to the beach!” Zoe said, unbuttoning her sundress to reveal a royal blue one-piece swimsuit.

“We saw that busload of British tourists at the hotel,” Nancy said. “Were they checking out—or in?”

“Out, thank goodness!” Zoe said, rolling her eyes in relief. “Papa was happy to have the business, but I was not sorry to see a crowd that size go. Too much work.”

In the distance Nancy heard the buzz of an approaching motorboat. She looked out over the water and saw a good-size yellow boat cut in toward the shoreline. Although she couldn’t read the Greek letters of the boat’s name, she did make out a five-pointed star painted on the bow.

Zoe glanced over, and Nancy saw her frown. “That is Theo Pattakos—he’s a fisherman.”

The boat swerved to within a few yards of the shore before the young man aboard cut the engine. As he dropped the anchor over the side, Nancy saw that Theo was a solid, muscular guy with black hair that was slicked back off his brow. His bare chest was tanned a golden brown that seemed even darker against his fluorescent orange swim trunks.

He called out a greeting and waved exuberantly to all the sunbathers on the beach. Then he jumped into the water and waded ashore.

“Zoe, my friend!” he called, his arms open wide to give her an affectionate hug.

“Stay away! You’re all wet,” Zoe said, dodging him. She didn’t seem very glad to see him, Nancy noticed. With a tight smile Zoe introduced Nancy, Mick, Bess, and George.

Theo’s brown eyes twinkled as he smiled at Nancy and her friends. “Theologos Pattakos, water taxi, tour boat, and fishing boat, at your service. But everyone calls me Theo.”

Nancy smiled. “Sounds as if you’ve got quite a business going, Theo.”

He nodded toward his boat. “The Sea Star is my first love.” He casually slipped an arm around Zoe’s shoulders, adding, “Zoe is my second.”

“Not anymore,” Zoe said, pushing him away. Nancy noticed the brittle tension in Zoe’s voice as she went on to explain, “Theo and I used to date, but now we’re just friends.”

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn