Nancy Drew Files – Case 22 – The Clue in the Crumbling Wall by Carolyn Keene

Nancy Drew Files – Case 22 – The Clue in the Crumbling Wall

Nancy Drew Files – Case 22 – The Clue in the Crumbling Wall


I An Urgent Request

II Heath Castle

III A Runaway Boat

IV The Haunted Walk

V Suspicious Figures

VI A Mysterious Explosion

VII A Puzzling Message

VIII Locked In!

IX Trap Door

X In Search of a Clue

XI A Warning

XII Secret Entrance


XIV Cinderella’s Slipper

XV Salty’s Plight

XVI News OF Juliana


XVIII Tower Trouble

XIX Release and Capture

XX A Last Surprise


An Urgent Request

“Hurry, Nancy!” Hannah Gruen called anx-

iously. The Drews’ housekeeper held the front

door open as jagged lightning cut the sky.

Nancy raced madly toward the door, her red-

dish-blond hair flying in the wind. “Made it!” she

gasped, laughing, as great drops of rain pelted

the driveway.

The attractive, eighteen-year-old girl stepped

into the hall and stopped in surprise. Behind

Hannah stood a slender young policewoman in a

blue uniform.

“This is Lieutenant Masters, dear,” said Han-

nah. “She arrived just before your car turned into

the driveway.”

“I can’t stay long. Nancy,” the officer said, “so

I’ll come right to the point. Will you help solve a

mystery?” The woman’s dark eyes gazed into

Nancy’s steadily. “I’m sure you can do it.”

Nancy was amazed, but merely said, “I’d like

to hear about it. Won’t you come in and sit

down?” She led the officer into the living room.

Nancy’s zest for adventure came to her nat-

urally from her father, Carson Drew, a well-

known lawyer. While helping him, she had solved

her first case. The Secret of the Old Clock. Since

then she had been successful in finding the solu-

tions to several mysteries, the most recent one

The Secret in the Old Attic. By now Nancy had

an outstanding reputation, even with the police,

as an amateur sleuth.

“Chief McGinnis recommended that I ask

you,” Lieutenant Masters said, seating herself on

the sofa. “He told me you have great insight into

character.” The trim, dark-haired officer ex-

plained that she had just joined the River Heights

Police Department. “This case is related to one

of mine. I’m in charge of juvenile offenders.”

“Then your mystery involves a child?”

“Yes. A pretty little eight-year-old girl named

Joan Fenimore. She’s been in trouble with the

law and will be in more, I’m afraid, unless we can

find her aunt. Nancy, have you ever heard of

Juliana Johnson?”

“She was a dancer, wasn’t she?” Nancy asked.

“Yes. She disappeared ten years ago at the

height of her career.”

“And she’s Joan’s aunt?”

“Yes. Juliana must be found within the next

three weeks or lose an inheritance that a friend

willed to her. If we can find her, surely she’ll

help Joan and her mother and make a new way

of life for Joan.”

“Three weeks!” Nancy repeated. “That means

I haven’t a moment to lose!”

The lieutenant’s grave face broke into a smile.

“Then you’ll take the case?” she said. “I’m so

gladi” She glanced at her watch and rose quickly.

“I must go now. The rain has stopped. I was on

a call in this neighborhood and decided to drop

by on the chance you were at home. Could you

meet me at headquarters about three o’clock this


“Certainly,” Nancy replied.

“Fine! I’ll tell you all about it then, and we’ll

go see Joan and her mother. By the way,” she

added when they reached the door, “do you know

Heath Castle, a big estate some miles outside of


“Yes, I do,” Nancy said. “I’ve seen it from the

river. It’s that spooky-looking place with those

stone towers and the high walls around it.”

“Find out all you can about the place,” Lieu-

tenant Masters said. “It’s Juliana’s inheritance.

And thank you. Nancy. Little Joan really needs

your help!”

After the policewoman had left. Nancy went

to the kitchen and told Hannah about the mys-


“Now you’re happy!” the kindly, middle-aged

woman said fondly. “You have a new easel I just

hope it won’t be dangerous.” Mrs. Gruen had

been with the family since the death of Mrs. Drew

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