Nancy Drew Files – Case 22 – The Clue in the Crumbling Wall by Carolyn Keene

His daughter went on, “I’ve even thought that

maybe Juliana is being held a prisoner some-


Mr. Drew looked surprised. “In the castle?”

“Who knows?” Nancy replied. “Dad, I can’t

decide where to begin looking for her. The ex-

plosion today kind of changed my plans.”

“In what way?”

“I heard that Walter Heath made scientific ex-

periments at his estate. If Mr. Hector suspects

there’s a secret within those crumbling walls-”

Mr. Drew gazed at Nancy. “Young lady, you’re

leading up to something!” he declared with a

twinkle in his eye. “Out with it!”

“I’m only trying to arouse your curiosity,”

Nancy confessed with a laugh. “Why not go to the

factory with me? You may find a clue I over-

looked. I need your help. Dad.”

“Well, if you put it that way,” her father said,

“Actually, I haven’t the time to spare, but I’ll go

to please you.”

“Tomorrow morning then.”

“So soon?”

“Dad, don’t forget, I must solve this mystery in

three weeks!”


A Puzzling Message

Nancy and her father were up early the next

morning. They hastily made breakfast before

Hannah came downstairs, then drove to the lane

Mr. Drew knew led to the damaged button fac-

tory. The road was in very bad condition, and

there was no gate.

“I see why those men came by boat,” said Mr.

Drew, stopping the car some distance from the

building. “We’ll walk from here.”

Nancy led the way through the dew-laden grass

to the scene of the explosion. There was no sign

of anyone near the factory.

“The explosion did a good job of destruction,”

the lawyer commented as the Drews cautiously en-

tered the building.

“Here’s where the wall caved in between

George and me,” Nancy explained.

“Looks as if it might have been dynamited,”

her father remarked. “Let’s see if we can find any


For the next half hour father and daughter

scrambled among the rubble. When they discov-

ered nothing of importance in the corridor, they

decided to investigate the large workroom at the

rear. It was necessary to go outside and climb in

through a window to reach the room, because the

inside entrance was blocked.

“Oh, it’s like a ghost town,” Nancy said as she

surveyed the rusted machinery covered with lay-

ers of dust. “To think that this once was a pros-

perous factory, Dad.” She pointed. “What was this

machine used for?”

“Cutting,” her father explained. “The mollusk

shell is placed inside. An operator moves a lever

and down comes the circular steel saw. Presto! A

little shell disk drops into the hopper. Another

machine slices the disk into pieces of uniform

thickness and there you have some pearl but-


“How clever!” said Nancy.

“The buttons pass through still another ma-

chine which polishes them,” Mr. Drew went on.

“In the last operation thread holes are drilled

through them.”

“Dad! Look!” Nancy cried suddenly.

A scrap of torn paper was sticking from a

comer of the rubble in the doorway. Near it, in

a thick layer of dust, were several footprints.

Nancy picked up the paper which had part of a

message on it. The writing was bold and read:

Dear C,


cret which I

in a wall



“Interesting,” Mr. Drew commented, scanning

the paper. “But I can’t say that it makes much

sense. The footprints might be a better clue.”

He stooped to examine them. “Freshly made,

no doubt,” he said. “Perhaps the two men have

visited here since the explosion.”

“If so, it proves they’re searching for some-

thing they think was hidden and could be found

only by blasting it out.”

“Not necessarily. The explosion could have

been an accident, or was set off for some other

purpose and may have nothing to do with Juli-

ana’s inheritance,” Mr. Drew remarked.

Nancy was staring at the torn note. “I believe

I’ve stumbled upon a worthwhile clue just the

same. I’m sure the partially missing word is se-


She pocketed the message and reluctantly left

the factory with her father. At home, later on,

Nancy spent more than an hour trying to figure

out the missing words of the note. Who had

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