Nancy Drew Files – Case 22 – The Clue in the Crumbling Wall by Carolyn Keene

she noticed something shiny on the bank. It was

the shell of a whelk.

“How beautiful!” she thought, picking it up.

The mother-of-pearl lining gleamed with a blend

of delicate pink and purple.

After a moment’s hesitation Nancy stripped off

shoes and socks and waded into the shallow water.

When she dipped her hands into the sand, she dis-

covered that the bottom was thick with mussels.

Among them were discarded shells with the same

lovely blending of colors. Nearby on the shore

she spotted a large pile of cracked shells and went

to examine them.

“Why are they here?” she wondered. “These

are seashore whelks.” Then Nancy remembered

what Salty had told her about dye being obtained

from this type of shellfish and that Walter Heath

had spent much of his time on scientific experi-

ments. “Suppose he was using the whelks to make

a special kind of dye!”

Nancy tucked two unbroken shells into her

shirt pocket. As she put on her shoes she thought

of the hacked stone columns and the explosion at

the factory. “Someone may be looking for a secret

connected with Walter Heath’s experiments!”

“Nancy 1” George called. “Are my clothes dry?”

Nancy rose and felt them. “Not yet.”

“I’m getting hungry,” George complained.

“And Bess will have a fit if we don’t go back


At that moment Bess was fuming in Nancy’s

concealed car. As the sun climbed high overhead

and the girls failed to return, she became hun-

gry and annoyed.

“Guess they’ve forgotten me,” she thought. To

add to her irritation, the hounds would dash back

to the gate whenever she walked over to look

through it. They bayed savagely.

“Oh,” Bess fretted, “wait until I see Nancy and

George. I’ll-”

Just then she heard a car coming up the road.

Bess barely had time to hide herself in the bushes

before it swung around the bend. She was glad

that she had followed her instinct for she was sure

from Nancy’s description that the driver was

Daniel Hector. He was alone.

The lawyer stopped in front of the gate but did

not shut off the engine. He got out of his two-

door car, leaving the door on his wide open.

“He’s going to drive into the grounds!” Bess

thought. “Nancy and George will be caught! I

must warn them!”

Her anxiety mounting, Bess tried to think what

to do. Mr. Hector still had his back turned toward

her as he unlocked the big gates. The car was less

than ten feet away from her hiding place.

There was little time for Bess to think or plan.

Impulsively she darted to the car. After climbing

into the back, she crouched on the floor.

Hector returned to the automobile. Unaware of

his passenger, he drove through the opening into

the estate grounds!


Locked In!

“George, would you mind if I do a little explor-

ing?” Nancy asked. “I’ll be back by the time your

clothes are dry.”

“Okay,” George called.

“I’m not going far. I’ve found some whelk

shells, and I think they may indicate something

important. Maybe dye made from them is hidden

in containers nearby.”

“They’re not in here,” George said.

Nancy moved off, looking about carefully for

any possible place where dye might have been

stored. She found none, and in her search wan-

dered farther than she had intended.

Nancy paused abruptly as she became aware of

a low rumble which shook the earth. “What’s

that?” she wondered.

She stood still and waited for more sounds, but

there were none. In the distance, however, a cloud

of white, powdery dust caught her attention.

“Another explosion!” she murmured excitedly.

Cautiously Nancy went toward the area, but soon

her path was blocked by a high brier hedge.

After following the bushes some distance to

find an opening, the young detective was startled

to hear a car.

“Somebody with a key to the gate padlock must

have driven into the estate grounds!” she


As the sound drew nearer, Nancy decided to

find out who was coming. She plunged through

the woodland and reached a weed-grown clearing

just as Daniel Hector drove up and stopped.

Nancy backed quickly into the shelter of the

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