Nancy Drew Files – Case 22 – The Clue in the Crumbling Wall by Carolyn Keene

returned to the parapet. She did not see them, but

a moment later heard them whistling and calling

to the dogs. Then all became quiet.

“They’ve gone,” Nancy thought in relief.

“Maybe I should have let them know I was in

here when I had the chance. But no, they’re not

honest, and they probably would have ruined all

my plans. I’ll get out somehow!”

Nancy was in a predicament, nevertheless.

George, stranded without clothes at the tool

house, could not help her. Bess, she assumed,

was still waiting in the parked car outside the

castle gate.

Nancy roved restlessly about the ground floor

of the tower in her vain search for an exit. Look-

ing at her watch for the first time, the imprisoned

girl was amazed to discover that it was after four

o’clock-and she was hungry!

“By this time Bess and George must be pretty

annoyed with me,” she thought guiltily.

While Nancy worried, Bess was perched in a

tree a considerable distance from the castle. Sur-

rounded by the watchful dogs, she would not

descend for fear they might tear her to pieces 1

Badly shaken and near tears, she suddenly

heard a whistle. The dogs pricked up their ears,

then raced away.

“Thank goodness,” Bess gasped, sliding down

from her leafy prison.

So much time had elapsed she decided it

would do no good to look for Nancy and George.

If they had not encountered Mr. Hector already,

they surely would have returned to the car.

“I’ll go back there,” Bess concluded. “But

which way?”

Hopelessly confused, she started off. After a

while Bess came to the estate wall. Just ahead of

her she noticed something in the grass.

“George’s slacks!” Bess thought with a start.

There was no sign of either her cousin or

Nancy. Bess could not believe that they had gone

for a swim. As she picked up the slacks, she won-

dered apprehensively what had happened.

“This path seems to run along the wall,” Bess

said to herself. “If I take it, I should get back to

the gate eventually.”

But she found that the trail changed direction.

Instead of the main gate she reached a large pond.

“Oh, where am I?” Bess fretted desperately.

Suddenly she heard her name called. She

whirled around. No one was in sight. A few yards

away stood a stone tool house, its window hidden

by overhanging branches.

“Bess!” George shouted impatiently. “Over

here! I’m in the tool house!”

Bess hastened to the small building and looked


“I’ve been stranded here for hours!” George


“How did you lose your clothes?”

“I fell into the water and took them off to dry.

Nancy put them on the bank. Then she went off

to do some exploring. A boy came along and ran

away with my things!”

“How terrible! What became of Nancy?”

“I wish I knew. She’s been gone a long while.

But tell me, how did you get up your courage to

climb the wall?”

When Bess told of her secret ride with Hector,

George burst into laughter despite her worry

about Nancy.

Then she sobered. “Hector is on the grounds!

Maybe Nancy ran into him!”

The cousins were not sure what they should do.

Finally Bess said, “Let’s go back to the car. Nancy

might be there.”

“How can I go anywhere like this?” George


Bess handed the girl her slacks. “I found these

by the wall. The boy must have dropped them.

And you can wear my sweater. I’ll be warm

enough in my blouse.”

George put on the clothes and was relieved to

find her sneakers still lying near the bank of the

pond. The girls hurried off.

Without meeting anyone, or being attacked by

the dogs, they managed to find their way to the

front wall and climbed over. Nancy was not in the


“Let’s drive to town and get help,” Bess said.

“Nancy has the car keys!”

“Oh, I’d forgotten. Well, we are in an awful


“We’ll have to find Nancy, that’s all there is

to it,” Bess declared.

Each of the girls ate a sandwich from the picnic

lunch, then started to scale the wall again. On the

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