Nancy Drew Files – Case 22 – The Clue in the Crumbling Wall by Carolyn Keene

hard that she nearly cried out in pain.

Precious minutes were lost as she carefully felt

along walls for a door to the grounds. At last her

efforts were rewarded. With a deep sigh of relief,

she rushed into the open.

“What an adventure!” Nancy shuddered.

“Now if only I can find George and Bess!”

Nancy made her way back to the tool house.

It was empty. From there she walked toward the

main gate, but because of weed-grown paths and

treacherous rocks it took her quite a while before

she saw the vague outline of a wall ahead of her.

“I hope it’s close to the gate,” she thought.


Something was moving through the bushes. In

an instant the stillness was broken by the sharp

barking of dogs.

“Can I make it?” Nancy wondered. She leaped

for the wall and scrambled up just as the two

hounds arrived. Breathlessly she dropped to the

other side. Five minutes later she came to the car.

To her amazement and delight George was hud-

dled on the back seat. She was half asleep.


The girl sat bolt upright. “Nancy!”

“I’m so sorry I left you,” Nancy apologized,

then asked, “Where’s Bess?”

“Gone to get your father. What in the world

happened to you?”

“Plenty. But first, tell me what time Bess left.”

“It seems hours ago. It’s a long walk to a bus

or a phone. Somebody should be here any minute,


As the girls sat in the car, they told each other

their adventures.

“After Bess left,” George concluded, “I heard

a noise in the distance. I hid in the bushes near

the gate. Mr. Hector drove out. While he was

locking the gate, I peeked into his car to see if

you were there. I really expected you to be lying

on the floor, bound and gagged!”

“I was a prisoner, all right, but not tied up.”

“I’d like to find the boy who took my clothes,”

George said grimly.

“Did you recognize him?”

“I never saw him before. He was about twelve

years old. But I’d like to wring his neck.”

“I spotted him from the tower,” Nancy said.

“He looked like Teddy Hooper, but I’m not


George changed the subject. “Where do you

suppose that man in the tower came from. No one

besides Hector drove in here.”

“He must have entered from the beach, the way

the boy did,” Nancy replied.

Headlights cut the darkness. Was it Carson

Drew? Or was Daniel Hector returning?

The two girls ducked out of sight. The car

stopped and Bess alighted.

“Why, George is gone!” she exclaimed.

“No, she isn’t,” her cousin spoke up, coming

out of hiding.

Nancy was already running to the car from

which her father had stepped. In an instant she

was in his arms.

“Why, Dad, you’re trembling!” she said.

“Nancy, Nancy, I’m so glad to see you. You

gave me such a fright. Where-?”

“I’m sorry I made a mess of things,” his daugh-

ter apologized. “But maybe you’ll forgive me

when you hear what happened.”

“Tell me about it on the way back. Bess can

drive George and herself home in your car. We’ll

follow them, and you can take the car the rest of

the way.”

On the drive to River Heights Mr. Drew lis-

tened to Nancy’s story without comment. “I’m

convinced,” she concluded, “that a group is

searching for something at Heath Castle. The

walls there aren’t crumbling from age. They’re

being tampered with!”

“I agree it looks mighty suspicious,” Mr. Drew

said. “And Daniel Hector seems to be involved.

But suppose you put the whole case out of your

mind until you’ve had a square meal.”

Upon reaching home, Nancy went directly to

the kitchen. Hannah Gruen, who had been nearly

beside herself with worry, embraced the girl.

“You poor child!” she said. “I’ll fix you a warm

supper right away.”

Hannah hastened to prepare the meal. Too

hungry to wait, Nancy helped herself to a glass of

milk and a few cookies. As she ate and drank, she

related her adventure to the housekeeper.

“Oh, Nancy!” Mrs. Gruen sighed. “Your love

of mystery will prove your undoing! You must be

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