Nancy Drew Files – Case 22 – The Clue in the Crumbling Wall by Carolyn Keene


“Can’t say I have,” the clam digger replied.

“Are you figurin’ on lookin’ for one?”

Nancy smiled as she said, “Perhaps some time

when you’re not busy-”

Salty suddenly slapped his thigh and chuckled.

“Women!” he said. “They never come right out

an’ say what they want. Nancy, I’ll meet you an’

your friends at Campbell’s Landing ten o’clock

sharp tomorrow mornin’, barrin’ rain.”

Nancy thanked him. “Another thing, Salty. I’d

like to find out about Walter Heath’s experi-

ments. Are you sure you can’t tell me more about


The man shook his head. “I don’t know a thing

more. But maybe Sam Weatherby can help ye.”

“The curio dealer?”

“Sam worked at the Heath factory before he

went into business for himself. He knew Walt as

well as anyone in town.”

“Then I’ll go to sec Sam Weatherby!” Nancy

said, grateful for the information.

Soon after Salty had gone down the street, Bess

and George left for home, promising to be on

hand the next morning. Nancy drove to Sam

Weatherby’s shop.

“Haven’t seen you in a while,” he greeted her

cheerfully. “Did you bring that pearl and the

shell I offered to buy?”

Nancy told him the pearl had been stolen.

“That’s too bad,” the man said sympathetically.

“Well, maybe you’ll find a bigger one.”

“I hope so,” Nancy said with a smile. “But

right now I’m more interested in Walter Heath’s


She told about the pile of crushed and broken

whelk shells she had found at the pond. “The

colors were so beautiful, I’ve been wondering if

he was trying to make dye from them.”

“You guessed right,” Mr. Weatherby said, eye-

ing her intently. “So far as I know, Walt had no

luck, but he kept working at it. And once he said

to me, ‘Sam, even if I don’t succeed in making a

fortune in dye, there’s another treasure on my

estate.’ Then he winked and said, ‘It’s right in

plain sight, tool'”

“What did he mean by that?” Nancy asked.

The dealer shrugged. “Who knows? Walt was

like that-full of riddles and secrets. In one way

his experimental work brought him luck.”


“He found a big pearl; at least, that’s what he

told me. Said he was going to present it to a young

lady friend of his-a dancer.”

Nancy blinked in astonishment at the reve-

lation. Had he really given the pearl to Juliana?

Or was it hidden in one of the cloister walls? And

was that what someone was looking for?

Nancy thanked the curio dealer for his infor-

mation and turned to leave. An object in the

showcase caught her eye. Lying in a velvet-lined

case was the antique charm from a man’s watch

chain that Daniel Hector had sold to Mr.


“Handsome, isn’t it?” the jeweler remarked,

taking the charm from its case. “An old English

family design. A genuine heirloom.”

Nancy admired the piece of jewelry. Mr.

Weatherby also showed her a pair of earrings, a

bracelet, and a brooch, all bearing the same de-


“Daniel Hector sold me this entire set,” Mr.

Weatherby revealed. “That lawyer is a hard cus-

tomer, though. He argues for the last penny.”

“Did he inherit these from English ancestors?”

Nancy asked.

“That’s what he said. Between you and me, I

think he got them from a client who couldn’t pay

a bill.”

Nancy wondered if Hector had received the

charm and the other pieces of jewelry honestly,

but kept quiet.

When Nancy reached home she learned that

during her absence a call had come from Hope-

well. Either she or her father was to get in touch

with the man who had phoned.

“He was a detective,” Hannah Gruen told her,

“and he wouldn’t give me a message.”

Nancy called headquarters at Hopewell. The

plainclothesman was out at the time but had left

his report for her. The stranger he had shadowed

the night before had driven to River Heights.

From there he had gone to the abandoned Heath

factory to meet another man.

“If I only knew who that person was!” Nancy


“I have a description of him,” said the police

sergeant and read it. Nancy was almost certain he

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